Editor Picks

This Android Brand Will Dominate Android Market In A Few Years Editor Picks

This Android Brand Will Dominate Android Market In A Few Years

Many technology publishers divide the “world” into Apple sid...
To Ban or Not to Ban: The world seeks a way to deal with cryptocurrencies Business

To Ban or Not to Ban: The world seeks a way to deal with cryptocurrencies

China bans cryptocurrencies. The Central African Republic is...
Is Earth’s core lopsided? Strange goings-on in our planet’s interior Editor Picks

Is Earth’s core lopsided? Strange goings-on in our planet’s interior

A cut-away of Earth’s interior shows the solid iron inner core (red) slowly growing./ Credit: Daniel Frost
The secret to acquiring professional skills Editor Picks

The secret to acquiring professional skills

While it is important for students to work in groups during ...
The languages in cyberspace Editor Picks

The languages in cyberspace

Author: Mila Ibrahimova UNESCO / Source: CourierBy the end o...
medical devices Editor Picks

Study shows medical devices using AI/ML are poorly regulated

A review of 338 AI-powered medical devices approved in Europe and in the United States reveals holes in the European review process.
Six-exoplanet system with rhythmic movement challenges theories of how planets form Editor Picks

Six-exoplanet system with rhythmic movement challenges theories of how planets form

This artist’s impression shows the view from the planet in the TOI-178 system found orbiting furthest from the star. (Image Credit:ESO/L. Calçada/spaceengine.org)
This bionic hand is capable of quickly and easily grasping any object, using a camera to assess its shape and dimension, which then triggers the correct movement to pick it up. Editor Picks

A bionic hand that sees

An intuitive bionic hand that can “see” objects by itself and is capable of precise and smooth handling