Triggering original fear memories could treat phobias and PTSD
By triggering original fear memories, a researcher hopes to weaken them to help treat phobias. Image credit - Islander Images/Unsplash
Supersonic planes get ready for a greener comeback
Scientists are looking into bringing back a quieter and more fuel-efficient supersonic aircraft, nearly 20 years after Concorde took its last flight. Image credit - Pedro Aragão/Wikimedia, licensed under CC 3.0
Five things to know about childhood cancer
Professor Schmiegelow: "The lack of paediatric trials for age-appropriate cancer treatments is due to a paucity of funding." Image credit - National Cancer Institute/Unsplash
Understand the environmental footprint of global supply chains, so we can confront climate change
European demand for goods and services creates environmental impacts outside the borders of the EU, which has implications for the EU's climate goals. Image credit - Hugh Nelson/Wikimedia, licensed under CC 3.0

Two Miraculous Surgeries of 1893: A Successful Human Heart Operation and Removing a President’s Tumor
In July 1893, two medical surgeries of remarkable, historical significance occurred. More than a century later, they are as fascinating as ever...

Six-exoplanet system with rhythmic movement challenges theories of how planets form
This artist’s impression shows the view from the planet in the TOI-178 system found orbiting furthest from the star. (Image Credit:ESO/L. Calçada/
Twenty thousand sounds under the sea
For a long time, we believed the ocean was a silent world. O...
Rebuilding marine life
Conservation measures to protect marine life are already pay...

How to spot overseas enquiry email fraud

A lagoon in Tahiti is rescued by tradition
On Tahiti’s southern tip, the traditional practice of "rahui" was recently reintroduced. (Featured Image - Chris Hoare, Flickr (CC BY 2.0))
A beginner’s guide to AI – A lexicon for artificial intelligence
Learn new words derive from Artificial Intelligence

A bionic hand that sees
An intuitive bionic hand that can “see” objects by itself and is capable of precise and smooth handling

Why Elon Musk’s $1.5 Billion Bitcoin Buy Heralds a Brighter Monetary Future
Image Credit: AP PHOTO/JAE C. HONG, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons